Discover our Kauai Grown Brands

We are value added producers of coffee, chocolate, premium cigars, bourbon and wild flower honey!

We add value to everything we grow.

Finding ways around a regressive and repressive County government is our specialty. As farmers we can no longer rely on the production and sale of raw agricultural food crops in Hawaii. It takes creativity, ingenuity, global partnerships, and a willingness to think and work outside of the box to achieve success in Hawaii.

Planting Ideas

Since 1993 our philosophy has been to revolutionize how age old agricultural crops are grown, produced, and marketed.

Four seasons of crops in Hawaii.

Growers of coffee, chocolate, tobacco, corn and the raising of bees contributes to the four value added products we sell under four brands: Coffee Times, Blair Estate, Kauai Cigar, and Kauai Distilling.


Premium Cuban seed tobacco makes our Kauai Cigars


Premium Kauai grown corn makes our Kapahi Bourbon


Hand picked Arabica Typica makes our premium coffee.

Nothing is as easy as it seems

We have spent over three decades developing and processing raw agricultural crops into value added delights.

Les Drent, owner/farmer